Friday, October 21, 2016

World of Wild Card Fighter Episode 1:Nekkendou: Of Blaze, and Speed

Kanji: 熱拳道
Meaning: Way of the Blazing Fist
Date of Origin: August 30, 2014
Creator: Anthony Matthews
Practitioners: Sougen Yujisawa, Sandra Meiko DeSilva, Sidnei DeCosta, Fuuma Matsumoto, Usagi Takayama
Base Origin: Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do, Wing-chun, Advanced Qigong

Normally, to create a martial arts discipline, one must have almost a lifetime of considerable experience in the form. Most disciplines also require a set sense of wisdom as well.  However, for certain 14 year-old living in the upper class neighborhood of San Francisco, he and his friend from Japan thought differently on the matter.

How The Way of The Blazing Fist was formed

     Sometime when Yuji lived in the United States with his Aunt Sandra, he met up with his long time best friend, Anthony.  During their free time, the two would hang out and train together like usual, then one day, Anthony had an idea to create a form of martial art to call their own.  Yuji was at first unsure of this idea seeing that a new martial art would be far to difficult to form, but quickly warmed up to the challenge. Within the remainder of the year and a half that Yuji spent in America, Tony helped him mesh the two main martial arts of Taekwondo and Jeet Kune Do together, not only that, the worked on the tenets associated with them.  during the later half of the year, the two formed a series of techniques; most of which exclusive to the art they created. For Qi based artes, they used the elements of wind and fire under the pretense that these two elements although difficult to control would be the most practical.  Due to the short time period, the exercises were more than strenuous, even for well skilled and talented teenagers with stamina, but the two would ultimately reap the benefits of their training.  When it came time for Yuji to leave, he would return as Japan's sole practitioner of this art.... for now.

1. Make room for improvement. Not just with body but with your mind
2. Uphold justice and protect the innocent
3. Smile at adversity
4.Stay true to your wisdom, even if popularity says different
5. Prepare for the next moment, even if all is quiet
6. Catastrophe is a passing storm, run through instead of away
7. Seek growth, not perfection
8. Love the neighbor, judge their character
9. Passion heals you in the midst of difficulty. Cherish it
10. Charity should always be infectious

The Art:
  Nekkendou focuses on precise and sharp strikes, swift and flexible kicks, counter attacks and mastery of Qi attacks and it's control. It also allows for quick reflexes, high stamina, and sharper senses.  It uses the move pools of Jeet Kune Do, Taekwondo, and Wingchun; utilizing unique move sets to the discipline as well.  Somehow, constant practice allows the user to manipulate the elements of fire and wind.  Further examination will be required on this phenomenon 

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