Friday, October 21, 2016

Wild Card Fighter Chapter 2: Lemar Pages 21 and 22

Yuji and Lemar make their way home after an intense fight, but something is off...

World of Wild Card Fighter Episode 1:Nekkendou: Of Blaze, and Speed

Kanji: 熱拳道
Meaning: Way of the Blazing Fist
Date of Origin: August 30, 2014
Creator: Anthony Matthews
Practitioners: Sougen Yujisawa, Sandra Meiko DeSilva, Sidnei DeCosta, Fuuma Matsumoto, Usagi Takayama
Base Origin: Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do, Wing-chun, Advanced Qigong

Normally, to create a martial arts discipline, one must have almost a lifetime of considerable experience in the form. Most disciplines also require a set sense of wisdom as well.  However, for certain 14 year-old living in the upper class neighborhood of San Francisco, he and his friend from Japan thought differently on the matter.

How The Way of The Blazing Fist was formed

     Sometime when Yuji lived in the United States with his Aunt Sandra, he met up with his long time best friend, Anthony.  During their free time, the two would hang out and train together like usual, then one day, Anthony had an idea to create a form of martial art to call their own.  Yuji was at first unsure of this idea seeing that a new martial art would be far to difficult to form, but quickly warmed up to the challenge. Within the remainder of the year and a half that Yuji spent in America, Tony helped him mesh the two main martial arts of Taekwondo and Jeet Kune Do together, not only that, the worked on the tenets associated with them.  during the later half of the year, the two formed a series of techniques; most of which exclusive to the art they created. For Qi based artes, they used the elements of wind and fire under the pretense that these two elements although difficult to control would be the most practical.  Due to the short time period, the exercises were more than strenuous, even for well skilled and talented teenagers with stamina, but the two would ultimately reap the benefits of their training.  When it came time for Yuji to leave, he would return as Japan's sole practitioner of this art.... for now.

1. Make room for improvement. Not just with body but with your mind
2. Uphold justice and protect the innocent
3. Smile at adversity
4.Stay true to your wisdom, even if popularity says different
5. Prepare for the next moment, even if all is quiet
6. Catastrophe is a passing storm, run through instead of away
7. Seek growth, not perfection
8. Love the neighbor, judge their character
9. Passion heals you in the midst of difficulty. Cherish it
10. Charity should always be infectious

The Art:
  Nekkendou focuses on precise and sharp strikes, swift and flexible kicks, counter attacks and mastery of Qi attacks and it's control. It also allows for quick reflexes, high stamina, and sharper senses.  It uses the move pools of Jeet Kune Do, Taekwondo, and Wingchun; utilizing unique move sets to the discipline as well.  Somehow, constant practice allows the user to manipulate the elements of fire and wind.  Further examination will be required on this phenomenon 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

World Of Wild Card Fighter: YUJI

Hello there.  My name is Showa60.  Welcome to the World of Wild Card Fighter. This portion of the blog expands the universe of this series and provides you some real life info of concerning the main setting and other thinsg you may find in the comic.

First off in this blog, let's talk about our main hero, Sougen Koushiro Yujisawa, better known to you and me as Yuji.

湯時沢草原 Sougen Yujisawa (YUJI)

 Full Name: Sougen Yujisawa
Japanese Name: 湯時沢草原(ゆじさわそうげん)
Nickname: Yuji
Date of Birth: November 20, 2000
Birthplace: Sapporo, Ishikari Subprefecture (Hokkaido)
Current Residence: Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture
Martial Arts Discipline: Nekkendou (Self-taught); Tae-kwon-do, Jeet-kune-do(Foundation of Nekkendou); 13 Chinese Martial Arts
Nationality: Japanese (1/4 Brazilian)
Hobbies: Video Games, tinkering with electronics

     Yuji is the main protagonist of Wild Card Fighter.  The youngest of three siblings, Shizuka Yujisawa being the oldest, and Masato Yujisawa, who is five years older than Yuji.  During his time in Sapporo, he was trained in Chinese martial arts by his uncle Yamato and his brother due to the rise of crime in his neighborhood.  Despite reaping the fruits of his training and developing a talent for channeling Qi (life energy), His parents decided to live in the Kanto Region of Japan , essentially Saitama Prefecture.  During his school days, he was made fun of for his feminine facial appearance.  In extreme cases however, he was able to defend himself with little effort.  His life would eventually shift upon his sixth year when he fought one of many of his bullies.  He may have been victorious against him but realized that he almost killed him in doing so.  As such, he vowed never to fight again, fearing that he would kill someone in doing so.

    Thanks to one of his aunts, Yuji attended Mogi Academy, an illustrious Middle School in Tokyo.  But during his time there, he was made fun of even more, and violently abused by some of the students there. This is compunded by his fear to fight back.  During his second year, things got worse as gang activity invades the campus.  One of the few people he trusted, Nanase Takeuchi, helps him release his inhibitions, which results in him going all out and single handedly attacking every delinquent on campus.  His victory did not go unpunished however, as he was suspended for a week.  His aunt, Sandra decides to have him live in the United States with her while he began his 9th Grade Year.  During that time, his best friend, Tony Matthews helps him by creating a new martial art, Nekkendou.

     Later on, Yuji returns to Japan and begins his 10th grade year in Yoritomo Municipal High School in Kawagoe.  It's there he realizes that this isn't an ordinary campus...

.Yuji's favorite Role Playing games are Tales of Phantasia, and Tales of Xillia.
. His sister gave him a Super Famicom for Christmas when he was 10. The game he had were Super Mario World, Tales of Phantasia, Rockman X1 - X3, and Gradius
.Yuji is very fluent in American English, Korean, and French.
.Tae kwon do and Jeet Kune Do are his favorite disciplines to practice.
.He likes curvy women that wear glasses.
.He's also a closet tokusatsu otaku
. He visits America almost every summer and sometimes Winter. He meets with Tony, his closest long distance friend during these times.


     Yuji is a good natured and cheerful young man with a strong sense of justice.  During his 8th grade year, he developed more of a go-getter attitude jumping into situations head first.  He seeks heavy challenges from stronger and more experienced people.  Brave, optimistic, and valor driven. But, Yuji is not entirely a boy scout, as he can be brash, and cranky when he is forced to wait.  He can also prove to be overconfident, and careless towards his own life.  He can also be brutally honest to people when the situation calls for it.  His thirst for improvement has caused him to despise anything remotely easy.

Fighting Ability.

  A stark contrast to his personality is his refined martial arts.  Not only is he well versed in self defense, he is also has an incredible talent for Qi manipulation.  He is fairly strong, quick, and has good reflexes, but has frail defenses.  He can also sense qi from living creatures, but cannot sense mystic energy from anyone who uses magic, nor divine energy.  Despite knowing how to use a weapon, he loathes them.

World Of Wild Card Fighter: Prologue

Hello there.  My name is Showa60.  Welcome to the World of Wild Card Fighter. This portion of the blog expands the universe of this series and provides you some real life info of concerning the main setting and other thinsg you may find in the comic.

First off in this blog, let's talk about our main hero, Sougen Koushiro Yujisawa, better known to you and me as Yuji.

湯時沢草原 Sougen Yujisawa (YUJI)

 Full Name: Sougen Yujisawa
Japanese Name: 湯時沢草原(ゆじさわそうげん)
Nickname: Yuji
Date of Birth: November 20, 2000
Birthplace: Sapporo, Ishikari Subprefecture (Hokkaido)
Current Residence: Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture
Martial Arts Discipline: Nekkendou (Self-taught); Tae-kwon-do, Jeet-kune-do(Foundation of Nekkendou); 13 Chinese Martial Arts
Nationality: Japanese (1/4 Brazilian)
Hobbies: Video Games, tinkering with electronics

     Yuji is the main protagonist of Wild Card Fighter.  The youngest of three siblings, Shizuka Yujisawa being the oldest, and Masato Yujisawa, who is five years older than Yuji.  During his time in Sapporo, he was trained in Chinese martial arts by his uncle Yamato and his brother due to the rise of crime in his neighborhood.  Despite reaping the fruits of his training and developing a talent for channeling Qi (life energy), His parents decided to live in the Kanto Region of Japan , essentially Saitama Prefecture.  During his school days, he was made fun of for his feminine facial appearance.  In extreme cases however, he was able to defend himself with little effort.  His life would eventually shift upon his sixth year when he fight one of many of his bullies.  He may have been victorious against him but realized that he almost killed him in doing so.  As such, he vowed never to fight again, fearing that he would kill someone in doing so.

    Thanks to one of his aunts, Yuji attended Mogi Academy, an illustrious Middle School in Tokyo.  But during his time there, he was made fun of even more, and violently abused by some of the students there. This is compunded by his fear to fight back.  During his second year, things got worse as gang activity invades the campus.  One of the few people he trusted, Nanase Takeuchi, helps him release his inhibitions, which results in him going all out and single handedly attacking every delinquent on campus.  His victory did not go unpunished however, as he was suspended for a week.  His aunt, Sandra decides to have him live in the United States with her while he began his 9th Grade Year.  During that time, his best friend, Tony Matthews helps him by creating a new martial art, Nekkendou.

     Later on, Yuji returns to Japan and begins his 10th grade year in Yoritomo Municipal High School in Kawagoe.  It's there he realizes that this isn't an ordinary campus...

.Yuji's favorite Role Playing games are Tales of Phantasia, and Tales of Xillia.
. His sister gave him a Super Famicom for Christmas when he was 10. The game he had were Super Mario World, Tales of Phantasia, Rockman X1 - X3, and Gradius
.Yuji is very fluent in American English, Korean, and French.
.Tae kwon do and Jeet Kune Do are his favorite disciplines to practice.
.He likes curvy women that wear glasses.
.He's also a closet tokusatsu otaku
. He visits 


     Yuji is a good natured and cheerful young man with a strong sense of justice.  During his 8th grade year, he developed more of a go-getter attitude jumping into situations head first.  He seeks heavy challenges from stronger and more experienced people.  Brave, optimistic, and valor driven. But, Yuji is not entirely a boy scout, as he can be brash, and cranky when he is forced to wait.  He can also prove to be overconfident, and careless towards his own life.  He can also be brutally honest to people when the situation calls for it.  His thirst for improvement has caused him to despise anything remotely easy.

Fighting Ability.

  A stark contrast to his personality is his refined martial arts.  Not only is he well versed in self defense, he is also has an incredible talent for Qi manipulation.  He is fairly strong, quick, and has good reflexes, but has frail defenses.  He can also sense qi from living creatures, but cannot sense mystic energy from anyone who uses magic, nor divine energy.  Despite knowing how to use a weapon, he loathes them.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Growth of Wild Card Fighter...... And it's Author

     Things have occurred in my absence, ranging from personal dilemmas to getting my affairs in order; especially concerning my comic......  "Comic", "comic"..... many even myself would say that having to hear about a webcomic that might not not see the light of day until Jesus comes back is not only baffling but a bunch of bull.  To sum up why my series hasn't matured on this blog site up until now was because of my procrastination, which is number one, next is how I felt about posting webcomics and how to do so, and lastly, getting a job.  Several months prior to this resurgence of my posting onto this site, I worked for a company who was contracted with Delta Airlines at Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta. It's thanks to this job, i was able to get some affairs in order, however, due to some shady practices which I discovered, and my inability to deal with incompetence at the time, I left the said job in favor of focusing more on what I wanted to do, much less what I went to college for.

Regardless, this does not  excuse why this site has collected dust for so long.  But lately, I've come to a decision; which was to grow the hell up and work on this comic which was my pride and joy.  As such, I began drawing and practicing, making better use of the Cintiq series of tablets I slaved to get. That and a studio grade USB microphone... Wild Card Fighter is my magnum opus as one of my associates put it, and I intend to treat it as such. October 21, 2016 (or at least by the time you read this) will be the time set to release pages of Chapter 2 on up.  I will be posting at least one page a week for scheduling reasons, especially since I have finished alot of pages to get to this point.  As you can see, I have also posted YouTube Videos onto the site as well.

     The thing is, I'm no longer in my 20's anymore, and it's time for me to grow my passion that I spent the infancy of my adulthood to improve upon into something much more. I have the tools need to do this and I don't intend to waste them.  Furthermore, with your support, we can mature the future of Wild Card Fighter into something much greater with outstanding results.

So, The Story Thus far: (SPOILER Warning)

     Yuji returns to Japan and attends Yoritomo Municipal High School in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture.  As he is just getting settled in, Lemar challenges him to a fight. Yuji obliges and showcases his skills to the American Karate Club Captain.  He soon realizes that Lemar has been fighting other people, including some of his classmates for money, prompting him to fight with all he has. Lemar sees Yuji's incredible skill and later concedes, respecting Yuji's martial arts talent and befriends our hero.

What to Expect in Chapter 2:

     Yuji and Lemar become Fast friends as they walk home, but Lemar later finds out that his house was broken into and his family attacked.  Lemar wants to avenge his family but can he too realize his full potential?  You Can catch this on my Youtube channel or wait until October 21 to see for yourself.

Chapter 2 has already been completed, no changes will be made to the art at this time. What you see is what you'll get. But rest assured, there will be improvements in later chapters

Wild Card Fighter Chapter 1: School Of Warriors Page 13 to 19 Final

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Chapters 2  and 3 are coming up soon. I look forward to showing them two you soon.